I Hope This Will Be My Most Disgusting Post

 Here is the entirety of a brief on Page 3 of The Daily News of Frederick, Maryland, 14 Jan. 1887:

A Delicate Operation. – Dr. U.A. Sharretts, of this city, yesterday successfully relieved Mr. Geo. M. Gittinger of 60 feet of tape worm. This is the fourth relief Mr. Gittinger has had in the past 10 months, aggregating 230 feet.  

I can find no reliable claim online for what the longest single tapeworm recovered from a human may have been, and I’m frankly too disgusted by what I did find to look any further.

In fact, I refuse even to confirm whether George Gittinger’s fourth tapeworm (fourth!) was the longest ever recovered in Frederick, much less Maryland, the United States, and so forth. Seek that info if you must; I wish you joy of it. I’m done.


“A Delicate Operation.” The Daily News (Frederick, Maryland), 14 Jan. 1887. Page 3. Accessed 19 Nov. 2021 via Newspapers.com.

Ridgley, Jaime. “Treating Tapeworm.” Bygone Maryland, 26 Feb. 2017. https://bygonemaryland.com/2017/02/26/treating-tapeworm/. Accessed 19 Nov. 2021.



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